“Pain is not a punishment, pleasure is not a reward… good and bad, happy and sad, all thoughts vanish into emptiness” - Pema Chodron.And I will always have a concept for you to outlive” - Guy Sengstock, founder of Circling “You will always outlive my concept of you.

“There is no place to get to but more here” - Decker Cunov, co-founder of Circling.You can find more information on the respective websites. The application of Circling and A/R connection practices to sexual relationships is very powerful, but also (like Circling for business) relatively new and cutting-edge.ĪMP runs at Boulder Integral Center a few times a year and is led by Decker Cunov and team, while AWE runs in the Bay Area and is led by Alexis Shepperd and Shana James. This is an area of keen interest of mine and the topic of my first book, As Lovers Do: Sexual and Romantic Partnership as a Path of Transformation. What this means is that both programs attempt to bring greater love, authenticity and connection into romantic partnerships – an area of life which carries deep negative social conditioning and in which many of us are very troubled, hopeless and confused. The Authentic Man Program (AMP) and Authentic Woman Experience (AWE) are (among other things) extensions of Circling practices into the area of dating and sexual / romantic partnership.