In the report, the BCA said that a number of its members want the government to play a greater leadership role in promoting innovation and commercialisation. By drawing on business know-how and real-world examples, this is a how-to guide for Australian businesses to position themselves and the country for the future,” BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott said. “We can’t afford to be a nation that gives away our best ideas to be scaled up and commercialised overseas. The report was completed in partnership with the Business Council of Australia (BCA). To really deliver on a bold, technology-led recovery, we will need business and research driving together to win.” CSIRO chief Dr Larry Marshall “Commercialisation is an engine that will drive us to a technology-led recovery, but innovation takes a team. “Australia has the potential to lead the world in a few key markets by harnessing the power of science-driven innovation, using it to ‘build back better’ from the pandemic and embed resilience to future disruptions into their very DNA,” CSIRO chief executive Dr Larry Marshall said. It includes a matrix with nearly 40 questions across six key areas for SMEs and larger companies to answer, and is based on interviews with tech giants including Atlassian, Google, Microsoft, Telstra and Cochlear. The report – ‘ Unlocking the innovation potential of Australian companies‘ – was released on Tuesday morning, offering practical ways for Australian companies to overcome barriers to commercialisation and enablers which should be implemented.

Australian businesses of all sizes can take practical steps that will “kick-start the commercialisation engine” and speed up a technology-led recovery from the pandemic, a new report from CSIRO and the Business Council of Australia has found.