The game was released in physical form and as a download game on the Nintendo eShop. In February 2014, it was released in North America. In November 2013, the game was released in Europe for the 3DS. Ī port of the game on the Nintendo 3DS console was announced in 2013. People who pre-ordered the game received a map for the special quest with Aokiji as seen in One Piece Film Z.

Thirty minutes of brand-new anime was included. All characters and enemies are from the One Piece series and play the same roles as seen in the source material. The characters level up, and the player can strengthen attacks by obtaining points. The player commands the protagonist Luffy and other characters that are in his crew. It uses turn-based battles and action commands that help guide the player.

Players can use action commands during battle to make their attacks more powerful. Stepping outside of the yellow and red rings displayed on screen for that character results in a penalty for that character when their next turn comes up.The gameplay style is similar to that of other RPGs. In each battle characters can move freely during their turn, moving within range of an enemy to better increase their chances of damage however, there is a cost for straying too far from the area a character started in when the battle began.

I found myself repeatedly using the A button to use a party members standard move, eventually gaining access to a special power (like Luffy’s Gum Gum pistol) when Action Points allowed it. Romance Dawn uses the basic RPG turn-based controls such as attack, run, use item, etc. After a terrible 10 minute cutscene you are finally rewarded with a bit of action, and you’re thrust into gameplay without any sort of tutorial however, the turn-based combat was not very difficult to figure out because to be perfectly honest, it was extremely boring and repetitive, and oddly enough it makes no use of the 3DS touch screen at all, not for travel, combat, or inventory. You start out with Luffy as the only character you control, but eventually you will add other members to your party. Luffy also encounters bosses that fans of the series have come to know and love. Traveling from island to island with his crew, Luffy finds himself exploring locations and dungeons that many fans will recognize from the manga.